Avoid XP Registration

Windows XP tries to register your copy of Windows at Microsoft's web site when installing XP. To avoid registering your copy of XP with Microsoft and force it into thinking you have completed the registration process, follow these steps:

1. Physically disconnect your modem
2. Turn on your computer
3. Start Windows XP Setup and answer 'No' when asked
to use 'Windows Dynamic Update'
4. After the installation is complete, avoid setting
up your internet connection when asked, instead
click on 'Skip'

5. Click on the Start button and select Run. Type
in 'regsrv32 -u regwizc.dll' and click OK then
click OK again to close the confirmation dialog
box which unregisters this dll file
6. Click on the Start button and select Run
7. type in 'regedit' and click OK
8. Look for this string:
9. Right-click on the 'RegDone' string and select
'Modify' then type 1 in the 'Value Data' box,
then exit the Registry
10. Right-click on the 'Internet Explorer' Desktop icon
and select 'Tools'. Click on 'Internet Properties'
and change the default home page to anything
except any Microsoft or MSN web site
11. Reboot your system
12. Right after XP reboots, but before Windows loads,
be sure to reconnect your modem

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