Limit Logon Hours For Users

Parents might want to limit their children’s computer usage or u want limit  your employees computer usage, so they can set a time limit only between which they will be automatically allowed to log into their Windows account.

Limited usage for particular users for certain time periods can be set through commands.

The command for doing this is:

net user accountname /time:

For example, “net user ALLPCTIPS /time:M-F, 08:00-17:00

will only let the user ALLPCTIPS  log in between 8 and 5 from Monday to Friday.


"net user ALLPCTIPS/times:M-F,8am-3pm;Sa,8am-1pm;Su,8am-10am"

For specific days use this (M,T,W,Th,F,Sa,Su).

The value in case of time:all = a user can login always and null = a user can never login.

Separate day and time with commas, and units of day and time with semicolons as above.Do not use spaces between time.

To turn off limitation use the following.

"net user accountname/times:all"

replace accountname with the name of the account you wish to change.

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January 8, 2009 at 3:07 PM delete

Hello Hriak..

How r U.

we can do that edting from commad lind or from group policies. But my question is how to make use this by eg: Monday 5Am-9 Am and 4pm to 9pm

And like this for days or for eg: Mon, tue, fri 6 hours and rest of the days no access to the system.

how you do that?

January 9, 2009 at 12:48 AM delete

hi..i m fine............

how r u doing???

i have updated the post, i think it is now understandable .....................


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